We are hearing healthcare professionals dedicated to improving your quality of life.

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Alderney Hearing Centre

Royal Bank Building, 44-46 Portland Street, Suite 204 | Dartmouth, NS | (902) 465-4334

About Us

Alyson Earle, Registered Audiologist
Lyndsay Bozec, Registered Audiologist

Alderney Hearing Centre, located in the heart of Dartmouth, always strives to provide the best for our patients. From our qualified and caring staff who provide outstanding service and knowledge, to our best-in-class products, we are always working to help make our patients’ lives better.


(902) 465-4334
(902) 465-1053

Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:30am - 12:30pm Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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